V-BIO® Is THE Choice For Protecting Ductile Iron Pipe From Corrosion
by Dennis Wilson, Technical Sales Coordinator
The market is awash with ‘look alike’ V-BIO® low-density polyethylene encasement film. It’s tempting to cut costs and go for a cheaper version, because at first glance these polyethylene products seem the same. At SIGMA, there’s a reason we only recommend V-BIO® to our customers. V-BIO® is a superior product technically speaking; there is no other polyethylene film offering the same microbial protection.
So why is this important?
Prior to joining SIGMA, I worked at Fulton Enterprises, and witnessed first hand the invention of V-BIO®. During the 2000’s, at Fulton we sold hundreds of thousands of feet of 8 mil linear low-density polyethylene encasement film (polywrap to most in the industry). Some of the greatest minds in ductile iron corrosion protection worked at or with Fulton, and, working alongside DIPRA, they applied themselves to researching why corrosion sometimes still occurred with the polywrap in place.
Eventually, two primary culprits were identified:
Rust from fresh oxygen being introduced from water surges underneath the polywraP
Microbially influenced corrosion
In technical terms, Rust is oxidation. Oxidation cannot occur without…you guessed it: oxygen.
The team at Fulton Enterprises worked for years to identify the best materials to incorporate into the polywrap to address these two threats. Eventually the right combination of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) and a biostat (bacteria repellant) was found, which yielded a new product, V-BIO®. The addition of a volatile corrosion inhibitor on the interior of V-BIO® places a layer of hydrogen over the surface of the pipe, thereby preventing oxidation, and rust. The addition of the biostat on the interior of V-BIO® repels bacteria and prevents the formation of colonies on the surface of the pipe.
There is Only ONE V-BIO®!
It is important to be certain that you install authentic V-BIO®. The two active ingredients (the VCI and biostat) must withstand the high heat involved in the manufacturing process. Note that with most polyethylene film, the VCIs and biostats are dissipated during production. In contrast, V-BIO®’s formula withstands the heat generated in the manufacturing process, making it the right choice.
To ensure that you are providing your customers with the intended protection they need for their ductile iron pipe, always choose the one and only V-BIO®. For further information, contact dwilson@sigmaco.com