SIGMA is fully stocked with NDS enclosures!
As a full-service waterworks supplier, SIGMA is pleased to announce the availability of a wide range of NDS light duty enclosures. These enclosures are designed for pedestrian-rated applications and complement our heavier-rated SIGMA-Raven HDPE product line.
The NDS enclosures offer many benefits:
Available in a wide variety of sizes, colors, and designations.
Contain UV inhibitors for sustained durability and performance in direct sunlight.
Domestically manufactured.
Overlapping cover design option prevents dirt and grass from settling between body and cover.
Convenience: when ordering NDS enclosures along with other SIGMA product, customers deal with one vendor, one order, one invoice.
Consolidation of NDS enclosure purchases with other waterworks products helps with freight and reduces or eliminates shipping costs.
To order NDS enclosures, and all other waterworks products, please contact your regional office: